Thursday, May 23, 2013

Conservation of Wealth (part 1)

  • I do not intend to deny or criticize current study disciplines
Conservation of Wealth and Equilibrium
  • Any economics have proper limit of explanation
  • In equilibrium theories, the limit is wealth-conservative system, or closed economy
  • Like as energy conservative systems in physics, we isolate the region of economic interest from rest of the world, and keep the total amount of wealth invariant within (before-after) the observed period
  • But wealth is not equivalent to physical energy: What we call economics is, always models of (usually) market-part of (regions of) whole global economy, which is a part of earth system continuously in (physically) non-equilibrium steady state with heat and ray energy from the sun
  • Just as in thermodynamics, there is two levels of isolation: closed but outside information (exogenous variables) can affect, and completely isolated
  • In other words: partial equilibrium vs. general equilibrium
  • For present purpose, we regard money as synonym for wealth (detailed argument is later)
  • Game: zero-sum (Note: non zero-sum N-player game can be rewritten as limited form of zero-sum N+1 player game)
  • Microeconomics: Paleto efficiency (no better off)
  • Finance: self-financing (always bet your own money only)
  • Macroeconomics: autarchy (no foreign trade)
  • International: limited number of (usually two) nations (often endogenous exchange rate, and >2 nations could be unsolvable)
  • For financial models, you may lose or gain your assets, so apparently it looks non-conservative, but for every contract you did, the counterpart gain when you lose, lose when you gain. To summerize, what you lose(gain) is always what the rest of the market gain(lose)
  • For macroeconomic models, we must distinguish "flow" from "stock". In any dynamic macroeconomic model we state national wealth (stock) as integrated income (flow) but wealth have arbitrariness with initial amount of wealth, or integration constant
  • define and explain open economy and its stability
  • define and explain "equilibrium" with growth or other endogenous changes
  • define and explain money and tangible asset

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Revolution of Understanding (joke)

  • I'm just joking
  • "Mon cher Blaise, Je suis sick et bored et gazing at ceiling. On ceiling grid over my bed, the fly goes from one block to another. Donnes any movements on the grid, quoi do they look?"
  • (years after) "Hey, you saw the apple fall?" "Yep, Isaac, why?" "I wonder why the globe does not fall into the apple contrary."
  • (years too) "Why lights go the shortest path? Why balls go the shortest path? For me, they look similar. They look, somewhat, stationary." "Billy, I don't understand what you say. Are you talking about physical action?" "Yes."
  • (years too) "Currently known calculations of black-body radiation fail at each sides. I need the formula valid at both siden, IR und UV." "What about thinking intensities as countable, Herr Wien?" "Herr Planck, what did you say?" "Not my idea. Mein EnglischKollegen proposed to do so."
  • (leaped)
  • (centuries after) "And our possibility to talk about things like inertia, mass, force, and so on, is about 0%. We are expected nully to talk about truth and false in logic. We have an unified and well-tuned theory and almost definitely know how fields work."
  • (leaped)
  • (tens of centuries after) "Hey, did you certainly know about an ancient good phenomenology of massive entropy? People in 15th century perhaps used obscure and ambigous concepts about 'force'. It's curious, hard to understand, but I find it might be useful for accounting ordinary reality with almost 100% of certainty."
  • add xkcd-like cartoon

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Subjective Time and Perception (memorandum)

Subjective Time
"Why are things so heavy in the future?"
  • Augustine of Hippo (when asked), Heidegger (boredom) and Bergson (sugar cube) thought about it
  • Seems to be a somewhat outdated subject of metaphysics in modern days, after SR/GR
  • In modern days, GPS receiver and other devices need precise internal clock
  • Of course, such clocks work under gravity and relative latency from GR matters in GPS
  • No interaction other than planetary scale effect of GR is assumed
  • Periodical signal inside brain cortex could be affected from other sources
  • For some drugs which might suppress excitement in cortex (carbamazepine, benproperine) anomaly in pitch perception is reported (said to be lower about half-tone)
  • Some drug might cause even observable EEG slowing down
  • In virtuallized computing environments, emulated "hardware clock" of guest virtual machine is a source of mysterious troubles - it unpredictablly jumps
  • How interpolate missing values of such signals? Mentally, boring or painful tasks take time (you'll feel wallclock as slow) and interesting tasks does not take time (you'll find wallclock goes too fast)
  • Some long computational processes and psychological trauma which take time to overcome (forget, forgive..) are often called "heavy"
  • Suppose you were a bat flying in a cave with no help of light
  • Some people support human echolocation training
  • bats or human doing echolocation might experience "pseudo-relativistic" view of the world
  • how much can "sound" be sped up with extremely low density (vacuum-like) media?
  • "sound cone" effect exists
  • for reliable location, sound speed compensation with humidity and temperature is needed (bats actually do it)
  • sound-light analogy apparently broken, as far as we think on ordinary sound wave and relativistic light
  • We usually assume frequency of sound is measured with wallclock (proper time) cycles
  • In GR, there is nothing like wallclock
  • With certain machinery of internal clock correction might recover complete sound-light analogy
  • So what? Implications?

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

On Conservatism and Evangelism in Social Sciences

  • Divided as another post from the previous post
A Report of Social Experiments held in Biblical Era
Having eyes, see ye not? and having ears, hear ye not? and do ye not remember? When I brake the five loaves among five thousand, how many baskets full of fragments took ye up? They say unto him, Twelve. And when the seven among four thousand, how many baskets full of fragments took ye up? And they said, Seven. And he said unto them, How is it that ye do not understand? *1
    An Economic Account
    • Apostles and theologians just thought reasonably: aggregate amount of bread fragments can not exceed initial amount of the bread loaves under the assumption of total bread conservation
    • The prophet meant differently: "yeast" of divine truth made an economic growth: the people might just have shared their own stocks of bread and have brought newly baked in a while. Accumulation estimated from the surplus of bread ex post was greater where smaller initial supply would have existed (5/5000 initial supply in loaves per capita produced 12/5000 surplus in baskets per capita, whereas given 7/4000 produced 7/4000)
    • We can easily see both types of economists
    • Coerced donation as an alternative form of taxation might be seen in religious states
    1. Mark 8:18-21

    Monday, May 6, 2013

    Banach-Tarski Paradox: A Physical Interpretation (updated)

    • Almost irrelevant economic argument in an early version of this post is now divided to another post
    • Addendum: some corrections due to misunderstandings to measure theory (Aug 29 2013)
    Paradoxical Decomposition
    Having eyes, see ye not? and having ears, hear ye not? and do ye not remember? When I brake the five loaves among five thousand, how many baskets full of fragments took ye up? They say unto him, Twelve. And when the seven among four thousand, how many baskets full of fragments took ye up? And they said, Seven. And he said unto them, How is it that ye do not understand? *1
    • Banach-Tarski (1924) stated: Given a solid ball in 3‑dimensional space, there exists a decomposition of the ball into a finite number of non-overlapping pieces
    • Such pieces must have measure zero (CORRECTED Aug 29 2013: do not have any measure) to make the ball recomposed from certain congruence transformations (motions) of them having arbitrary positive measure
    • von Neumann (1929) further stated a 2-dimensional analogue of above
    • Some said that just blame the (abuse of) axiom of choice, which assure zero-measured (CORRECTED Aug 29 2013: unmeasurable) subsets of the continuum having same cardinality of the continuum
    • Others think that the concept of continuum is an idealization beyond physical reality
    What do we mean to say "zero-measured" in QM/QFT?
    • Measure is (classical) volume
    • Measure is also (quantum) probability
    • So "it's zero-measured" just means "physically such state can't be realized"
    • But it is still possible to think mathematically about direct sum decomposition (hence diagonalization) of a fermion into several bosonic fields which can not actually exist with interactions
    • Such bosonic fields might be, if realized, like holographic images projected with extremely high energy coherent light sources
    • Even if such projection were (approximately) possible, you would not see even one of such images
    • It would need just sub-femto seconds for extreme pressure of coherent light to make everything around evaporated
    Addendum (Aug 29 2013)
    • I was confusing "measure zero" with "unmeasurable"
    • Unmeasurable sets in standard ZFC set theory are non-member of any σ-algebra, whereas zero-measured (null) sets are valid member
    • Why unmeasurable subsets could be constructed? Probably, because of lack of sufficient determinacy - under ZF+AD (implies countable choice, but not full AC), no such subset exists. ZFC+certain large cardinal axioms also works somewhat alike.
    • For any decomposition to be definite, we need strong orthogonality far beyond the degree that standard ZFC set theory assures
    • The full story should be written: wait for me or publish your much better conception
    1. Mark 8:18-21

    Rubber Elasticity Reconsidered

    Rubber Elasticity
    • Elastic (stretchable) polymer chains of approximately infinite length
    • Approximately no characteristic length scale (except the UV-cutoff below monomer scale - Silicone rubber is transparent to visible light)
    • Tension relaxation is endothermic, that is, it takes heat from the environment as it shrinks
    Scale Invariance
    • One of conformal symmetries
    • In economics, perfect competition concludes constant return to scale
    • In economies with such property, any exogenous shocks are soon absorbed
    • Wage stickiness and social discrimination are thought as imperfectness
    • Economists have called above property as "elasticity" for a long time
    • De Sitter black holes behave like rubber lumps - endothermic contraction
    • Existence of specific structural length scale (as in solid crystals) may cause negative curvatures in certain energy levels
    • AdS-CFT seems to be ineffective for "rubberlike" matters
    • What does it mean the nonnegative constraint of interest rates in economics?
    • Action of relaxation on rubberlike universe is called quintessence, or fifth interaction. What is it?

    Saturday, May 4, 2013

    Physical Applications of Heterogeneity (preliminary)

    • All ideas which sound good are already concerned
    Almost Raw Ideas
    • On the boundaries of different substances, energy converts in one form of modes to another
    • Such conversions are costly - in conversion, non-ignorable amount of energy dissipates as almost uncorrelated phonons (just heat)
    • Lattice defects in crystal of pure substance might work similarly
    • Rubber, activated carbon and zeolite are such substances - these dephase stable coherent modes
    • In absorption of external radiations and particle beams, such incoherency and heterogeneity in structures might make difference in absorption (heat conversion) efficiency, almost regardless however wavelength of external radiations short
    • How refrigerate such absorbers?
    • Find literature
    • Design experiments

    Friday, May 3, 2013

    How Facts Emerge: Subject, Self-fulfllment and Stability

    If you want to know the taste of a pear, you must change the pear by eating it yourself. *1
    • There is a basic distinction of objective versus subjective values
    • In economics: exchange value versus use value (market price versus individual utility)
    • Use value of consumer goods is hedonic utility, use value of capital might be net outcome of investment
    • Exchange values are guess (with or without theoretical reasoning and statistical assumption)
    • Some theory-based measurements are still guess but reliable guess (with stable measurements and sound statistical assumption)
    • We define "subjectivity" as "reliance to sense data", or ratio of energy loss
    • Subjective observation might be called "consumption" and objective guess relies on assumptions
    • More subjective measurement is more disturbing (causing more state changes)
    • Less subjective measurement has weakness to heterogeneity (surface effect), singularity and noise
    • Experts in various disciplines often talk about their versions of degree of subjectivity (hence, residual degree of guessing)
    • In electronics: input impedance, high or low
    • In engineering: (non-)destructive inspections
    • In medicine: invasive or not (for operations and inspections)
    • In QM: observables on the lattice of projections, having true "wave function" as its ideal
    • In other words: Subjective measurement is recovering whole spectrum from IR eigenvalues and less subjective measurement is recovering from UV eigenvalues
    • Sometimes, objective values, or guesses, might be far from being precise, when we guess with wrong theoretical foundation or wrong statistical assumption
    • Some philosophers talk about "speech act", "performative utterance" etc. Naming ships is an example of "speech act", which effect through mere announcement. (cf. Austin(1962))
    • Some sociologists talk about "self-fulfillment" (cf. Merton(1949))
    • Some financiers, managing hedge funds or central banks, may fail to make reliable forecast on future balance of their accounts (e.g. bankruptcy of Long-Term Capital Management) *2
    • In various situations, announcement of authorities matters or does not matter. What makes difference of success and failure of prophecy/forecast?
    • Some statement classified "self-fulfilling prophecy" might be regarded as "energy-collectors" or "recyclers of social wealth" in certain bosonic field
    • Correct forecast might be on stable (and even self-stabilizing) phenomena
    • Stable phenomena (excitement) have certain amount of energy which can not be easily dissipated
    • Stable phenomena allow more observations (i.e. numerous dephasings and substantive energy losses) than unstable phenomena
    • Even most stable phenomena can break under excessive observations (classical intervention)
    • Vulnerability to observation may depend on "effective surface" and sureness depend on "volume"
    • If certain type of "phenomenological" argument works, it might be stable
    Observation of excitement in group of cells in clinical contexts
    • In early stage, low volume cancer might be actually superposition of low probability cancer and high probability non-cancer, and fortunately, almost all of such "quantum cancer" *3 soon disappear, but some evolve to "classical cancer"
    • Is unnoticed subclinical cancer exist? (Berkeley's argument)
    • Inflammation is observation over itself *4 : how about just suppressing it?
    • Some refusals of inspections and denials of symptoms might be indeed therapeutic (but I do not know how to design refutable experiments on such hypotheses)
    Generally, whether wishful thinking works or not
    • Some sorts of wishful thinking are just against stability, just ignoring substantial energy and may fail
    • In certain critical situations, it might be fundamentally unclear ante post
    1. Mao Zedong, On Practice
    2. Robert C. Merton, an LTCM board, is the son of Robert K. Merton
    3. Japanese anesthetist Makoto Kondo writes about "gan-modoki", which translates literally "pseudo-cancer" in English. It is a pun on "gammodoki", which is Japanese tofu pudding fritter
    4. Neil Gaiman(1990): "Notoriety wasn't as good as fame, but was heaps better than obscurity". These words originate from Oscar Wilde's talk in 1883, "If it took Labouchere three columns to prove that I was forgotten, then there is no difference between fame and obscurity" (remember his infamous popularity). I do not know who first derived the "hauptsatz" of viral advertisement stating that "notoriety is more valuable than obscurity". Corresponding Japanese phrase "aku-mei ha mu-mei ni masaru" is a popular proverb