- In my blog post in Nov 2010, I proposed yet another view in HET (history of economic thought) focused on mathematical context rather than contexts of ideology and social value: (in Japanese) http://d.hatena.ne.jp/TuvianNavy/20101102/1288723212
- it is partly motivated from Philip Mirowski's HET works aiming at similar target
- another source of motivation is the long-run controversy about Japan's economical slump over decades and the way out of it
- later I came to be aware of "non-separable" nature of technological knowledge and economic growth path
- parallelism between foundation of monetary theory and quantum gravity is concerned
- Reality and Closed Economic Systems
- Reproduction and Iteration
- Tatonnement: Search for Self-Consistency
- Economy as Propagator, Growth as Scattering
- Utility, as Metric and Topology
- Beyond Finite Dimensions
- Homogeneity, Stability and Conservation of Wealth
- Relativity and Relaxation of Individual Values
- Logic, Knowledge and Intertemporal Substitution
- Economic Potential and Geographical Agglomeration
- Justifing Say's Law: Entropy and Demand
- Scarf's effective proof of Edgeworth conjecture
- Uzawa Equivalence
- Okishio's theorem
- Samuelson's non-substitution theorem
- Hicks' stability condition
- Arrow Impossibility
- Barro's Ricardian equivalence
- Instability of global economy / Indefinability of excess demand (SMD theorem)
CONTROVERSIES (still in Japanese)
- 重商主義に対するスミスの批判(会計的等価=古典経済学における均衡理論)。
- 穀物法論争(リカードのグローバリズム、自由貿易に対するマルサスの批判)。
- 労働価値説(広くは生産費説)に対するオーストリア学派の批判。
- マルクスによる主観価値説への反批判。
- 社会主義計算論争。
- 失業をめぐるピグーとケインズの論争。
- ケンブリッジ資本論争。
- 変動相場制、固定相場制、金本位制
- 構造モデルと誘導モデルの乖離についてのルーカス批判。
- CAPMに対するロルの批判。